Tuthill, G., & Klemm, E. B. (2002). Virtual field trips: Alternatives to actual field trips

Summaries of Research Papers

Tuthill, G., & Klemm, E. B. (2002). Virtual field trips: Alternatives to actual field trips. International Journal of Instructional Media, 29(4), 453–468.

Tuthill and Klemm summarize the advantages and disadvantages of taking virtual field trips over real field trips. They emphasize the point that virtual field trips can be very effective as pre- or post-discussions when bracketing real-world field trips.

With respect to virtual field trips, does VR have anything to add to the experience? Tuthill and Klemm mention that the  “total experience” is something that is lost in a simple virtual field trip. VR takes another step towards the “total experience” where you get at least a 3D 360 degree visual experience. It still does not address the olfactory or physical senses but that may not be too far in the future.