Montclair State University ITDS Educational Technology Expo
April 17, 2024
The Montclair State University ITDS Educational Technology Expo hosted the Hu-Au XR Lab as we demonstrated the many ways we are serving the educational needs of the University through VR and AR. The Human Brain Time and VR Chemistry Lab apps were available to demonstrate as faculty and staff explored different educational technologies. Lab director, Elliot Hu-Au, and research assistants, Lourdes Padilla, Ramy Othman, and Blessing Austin-Gabriel discussed the use of VR in educational settings and assisted attendees with the demonstrations.

Human Brain Time Playtest – BIOL 319
The Hu-Au XR Lab playtested the Human Brain Time VR app with Dr. Thomas Mueller’s BIOL 319: Genes, Brain, and Behavior class. Ernest Chianumba and Lourdes Padilla assisted students with the app and modeled how to interact with the 3D interactive human brain model. Students were very excited to use the app and expressed great interest in using it as a study tool.